Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Finding Spiritual Whitespace

About the Book: 
Finding Spiritual Whitespace is memoir-driven guidebook for anyone longing to create space in life to draw closer to God, to rest and discover who they can become when rest becomes their heart’s everyday home.

This book chronicles Bonnie’s heartbreaking journey through painful memories, how a childhood dream unexpectedly launched her into a debilitating journey through panic attacks, insomnia and anxiety — and how creating space to feed her soul led her to create a better story for her life, one filled with beauty and meaning. The book explores how our lives are like God’s artwork, exploring ways to create space for beauty, rest and soul care. Just as beautiful art needs whitespace, we need whitespace. We need rest.

Whitespace is not blank space. It breathes beauty. Who This Book Is For: Take the journey to find rest. Uncover your stories. Make room for you. For God. For Rest. Using soulful journaling prompts for individual reflection or intimate group discussion at the end of each chapter, anyone longing for rest in today’s fast paced and stress-frayed schedules can take the journey to find rest, feed their souls, rejuvenate and make room for beauty, for God and rest.

Visit to learn more.


Cafe Lily's Review:  I devoured this book in one sitting.

I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did, but I could not put this book down. I became so engrossed in Bonnie's story - probably because I could relate to so much of what she was sharing. Being a driven, Type A person - I understood her struggle to slow down and take care of herself.

 I loved the "balance" in this book - Bonnie shares spiritual insight along with personal memories and examples of how the Lord taught her about whitespace. I was greatly ministered to by reading this book and strongly recommend it, especially if you are finding yourself burned out and weary. Bonnie shares some great ideas on how to rest and intentionally seek out "whitespace" in your life.

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